About Us
Bain Walker
Bain has been leading the Frio Bat Flight Tours to the Frio Cave since 1999. He has learned about bats from bat specialists from Boston University, University of Tennessee, Bat Conservation International and Texas Parks & Wildlife. Bain and the bats have appeared in several TV documentaries, BBC shows, and Animal Planet, plus in Texas Parks & Wildlife & Texas Highways Magazines. He is an expert at spotting and identifying the raptors that catch the bats at the Frio Cave. Bain has lead the Bat Flight Tours and helped lead birding field trips for the Nature Quest Event since it began in 1999. He has helped maintain his families Bluebird nest box trail since 2001. In 2003 Bain was the co-nominator of the largest tree in Texas.He has been leading birding, nature by kayak, big tree & bat flight tours in our area since 1999. Bain gives bat programs for schools, organizations and is our main Frio Bat Flight interpreter.
Lee Haile
Lee grew up in this area of the Hill Country and has been interested in birds all his life, and medicinal plants since high school. He earned his degree in entomology (bugs) in 1982 from TX A&M University. He was an entomology consultant for farmers and ranchers for 13 years. In 1991 he purchased a saw mill for his woodworking business and his interest in large trees grew. Lee is a certified Master Naturalist and birder. Lee has been leading nature, birding, natural history, nature by kayak, big tree, bat flight tours, and doing cowboy campfire storytelling in our area for Hill Country Adventures since 2003. That year Lee was the co-nominator of several champion trees in this area and one is the largest tree in Texas. Lee is a folklorist, musician and entertainer. He has performed at dude ranches, schools, San Antonio’s Folklife Festival, and Sea World of Texas.